District Birthday Policy
Parents, we need to make you aware of some important information in regards to a new BAS District Policy regarding Birthdays. Please read this information carefully. Thank you!
Birthdays will be recognized at school in an appropriate manner. The new district policy in the elementary handbook is as follows:
“We will continue to recognize each child’s birthday within our school. Children with summer birthdays will receive birthday recognition on his/her half birthday. We ask that no treats or gifts be sent to school for your child’s birthday. We want to preserve instructional time, avoid allergic reactions, assure equitable recognition for each child, and adhere to federal/state/local health and nutrition guidelines. Realizing that not all families celebrate birthdays, if you prefer that your child not receive birthday recognition from school, please inform your child’s homeroom teacher. To avoid hurt feelings when children are excluded, we ask that you not send birthday invitations to school. Please find an alternative means of distributing invitations to a birthday held outside of school."